Why Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts love ‘dirty’ Russian oil
On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we looked at Canada's newly newsworthy energy independence as the Trudeau government condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Here's a bit of what Ezra had to say about Gerald Butts:
“Well, remember that before he worked for Trudeau, he ran the World Wildlife Fund of Canada. And here’s what he said about our own pipeline projects, to bring ethical Canadian oil from Alberta to the world.
“I’ll show you two clips — they were both about the Northern Gateway Pipeline, which would have taken Alberta oil to Vancouver, which could then have been shipped on the world market, to compete with Russia.
“But it applies to the other two pipelines that Trudeau and Butts killed... including Energy East, which would have sent Canada’s largest refinery in Saint John, New Brunswick, which instead buys oil on the open market from places like Russia and Saudi Arabia.”
This is just an excerpt from the full Ezra Levant Show.
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