Woke school trustees smear actual feminists, embrace cancel culture

At least two Ladysmith-Nanaimo trustees smeared events by Vancouver Island Speaks, an advocacy group that protects women's rights.

After pressure from angry LGBTQ activists, the Navy base, and BC Yukon Command, a Victoria Legion manager apologized for hosting a women’s rights event on same-sex spaces. Co-organizer Bryony Dixon discusses FOI findings and social media posts showing Ladysmith-Nanaimo trustees took part in smearing their events, with one labelling them “hate rallies.”

The apology followed a smear campaign aimed at the event and its organizers, who are working to protect women’s rights and safeguard children from gender ideology.

In today’s report, Vancouver Island Speaks events, co-organizer Bryony Dixon joins Rebel News to discuss the findings from FOI requests and social media posts, which revealed that at least two Ladysmith-Nanaimo school (SD 68) trustees appear to be embracing a concerted effort to silence the voices of women advocating to protect women’s rights and safeguard children from radical gender ideology.

Trustee Tom Rokeby, in particular, called the womans rights events “anti-trans” and and “hate rallies,” while spreading a misleading post on Facebook that suggested that a Victoria’s Trafalgar/ProPatria Legion which had been bullied by rainbow sex activists and much higher ups, for booking a Vancouver Island speaks event in September, agreed with his characterization of the events.

“We had a lot of the LGBTQ reaching out in extreme anger that we would host this group. I also had repercussions from the Navy base as well as from our head BC Yukon Command, and Ottawa,” Lorrie Weston, the manager of the Legion explained to Dixon during a recorded phone call about the immense pressure she faced following the event.

“I’ve had to issue an apology that if we’ve hurt anybody’s feelings as a result, that I am completely distraught, and it’s a shame that people would think that of our Legion.”

Weston also clarified that the Legion had never labeled the event as being associated with hate, as sex activists and Rokeby had suggested. “My apology may have been changed and altered,” she said.

As if the Rokeby misogynistically relishing in the vilifying of the womans rights event wasn’t bad enough, Dixon details misleading statements SD68 Chair, Naomi Baily shared mischaracterizing her and a former speaker at some of the events, Janayh Wright.

PETITION: Protect Female Spaces

11,405 signatures
Goal: 15,000 signatures

Women's spaces must be protected from those seeking to invade traditionally female areas. Please sign here to demand our politicians listen up and take action.

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Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2024-12-16 20:47:29 -0500
    Since these activist bullies are so dense, we must keep repeating that bathroom policy is for the safety of all. It most certainly is NOT permitting some sort of violence on trans people. And anybody with sense would realize that horny men would take advantage of women by claiming to be trans. And another thing, people are most real when they’re angry. That’s what these hateful people have shown us in this case.