Brampton bans journalism AGAIN: Who called the police?

News flash: In the Democratic People’s Republic of Brampton, asking impolite questions of the Grand Khaleesi Patrick Brown is strictly verboten…

We once again visited the Earnscliffe Recreation Centre in Brampton, Ont., to scrum Mayor Patrick Brown, who every Wednesday afternoon plays some pickup hockey with his buddies (cronies? Lackeys?) when he should be, well, working…

But they don’t call Brown “Sneaky Patrick” for nothing, because this time he and his wannabe hockey heroes were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they have a new day for their pickup games given those scary Rebel News reporters and cameramen…

But as per usual, those Paladin security guards were on the scene nevertheless.

They don’t like it when reporters show up to ask Your Grace insensitive queries. Even if Your Grace is nowhere to be seen.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Yours Truly as well as the entire Rebel News team had previously been “trespassed” by the Paladin security guards, meaning we’re all banned from all Brampton recreational facilities until August 7, 2021. Yep, it’s right there on the tickets I received earlier this month… “tickets” that actually have the Paladin Security corporate logo on them. (Translation: these citations are about as valid as a Get Out of Jail Free card plucked from a Monopoly game.)

When our legal counsel explained that the tickets weren’t worth the paper they are written on, Paladin called the Peel Regional Police Service and four, count ‘em, four, police cruisers showed up. (“Calling all cars! Rebel News is practicing journalism again!”)

With the help of our lawyer, we stood our ground as best we could until it was made clear that if we did not exit the parking lot we would receive new “bracelets” prior to being given a ride “downtown” in a Dodge Charger.

(Note to self: should I ever get Mayor Brown to consent to an interview, I must remember to ask: who is paying all these security and policing costs?)

In any event, Brown and company never even showed up for their pickup hockey session – at least not during the three and a half hours we were there.

But then again, that’s Brown’s media strategy since being drummed out of the Progressive Conservative party two years ago: run, Patty, run!

But after analyzing our options –and with all due respect to Peel’s Finest – we are NOT going to fight those comically comical tickets that Paragon Security issued to us simply because those tickets are NOT real, therefore, there is nothing to fight in a real court of law.

So, methinks there shall be a return visit to Earnscliffe next week to practice journalism and to try and get answers from Mayor Brown regarding his litany of lies.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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