David Menzies files papers to challenge Brampton trespass ticket

You may recall that when we last visited the Earnscliffe Recreation Centre in Brampton, Ont., a few weeks ago in order to scrum Mayor Patrick Brown, I didn’t get an interview — rather, I got arrested and detained in a police cruiser. I was also slapped with a $65 charge for “Failure to leave premises contrary to the Trespass to Property Act”.

It was quite the scene. When my Rebel colleagues and our lawyer visited the rec centre, no fewer than three Paladin Security SUVs descended upon the parking within mere minutes lot to give us the bum’s rush off the property. When we refused to leave, five Peel Regional Police cruisers rushed to the rec centre.

But why? Was I brandishing a prohibited weapon? Was I trying to commit arson? Hardly. I was simply there to practice journalism, and last time I checked, that’s still a constitutional right here in our great Dominion.

Alas, apparently, there’s an unofficial proviso in the People’s Democratic Republic of Brampton forbidding journalists to ask insensitive questions of Mr. Brown — who, in addition to being the mayor, is a political loser/beer league hockey player/fake conservative/shameless skirt chaser.

But other than that, the "Man Who Would Be Premier" is a class act.

In any event, Crybaby Brown apparently likes to use the services of Paladin Security and the Peel Regional Police as his personal Praetorian Guard — at considerable expense to those taxpayers who reside in the City of Brampton and Peel Region. But what the heck, just put it on the tab.

Yet, this is exactly how this vindictive weasel operates — and it gives insight as to why his own provincial political party threw him under the bus back in 2018. After all, we caught him red-handed violating the city’s rules by sneaking into an arena to play hockey with his (mostly) Barrie-based buddies.

His response? He lied about his presence there (claiming he was only there to “check out” the facility); he made defamatory comments about me and Rebel News on Twitter and with other media outlets; and the following week he got his security stooges to issue tickets banning me and ALL Rebel employees from visiting all Brampton recreation facilities for an entire year!

But the inconvenient truth is this: according to our lawyer, those tickets aren’t worth the paper they are written on. That’s because they aren’t even real provincial offence tickets. In fact, they bear the corporate logo of Paladin Security!

So it was that we went back to the rec centre, yet again refusing to bend the knee. This time, I was arrested and served with a real ticket.

But we’re fighting back. And it’s not about the money. In fact, our Commander, Ezra Levant, has stated if it takes $65,000 to eradicate this $65 ticket go away, then so be it.

That’s why I recently visited the Brampton Courthouse to set a court date — perhaps the first of many — to challenge this fine.

But we need your help, folks. Unlike the City of Brampton or Peel Region, which has an endless supply of taxpayer dollars to fight with, we depend on your donations to pay our legal fees.

Please visit SneakyPatrick.com and make a contribution if you care about freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and freedom of speech. Because it is obvious Mayor Brown loathes these basic rights and freedoms.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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