The disturbing case of the 'Windsor trans cat' Cody D’Entremont
Guest hosted by David Menzies
Tonight’s edition of the Ezra Levant Show is brought to you by the letter C. “C” is for Cody and C is for Cat and C is for Creepy. C is also for Court, and when it comes to a verdict rendered in a recent Windsor sexual assault case, C is for Crappy – well, at least in my humble opinion. We’ll get to that later.
As for that aforementioned Cody, we speak of a downright disturbing individual whose birthname is Cody D’Entremont. Well, he sometimes goes by that moniker. And sometimes he uses the alias of Desiree Anderson. He uses the Desiree alias when Cody is identifying as a she rather than a he.
We were in Windsor last week to take in Cody D’Entremont's two-day trial for sexual assault.
Oh yes. You see, apparently the ostensible policy reason for Cody D’Etremont reimagining himself as Desiree Anderson was to gain admission into the female section of the Welcome Centre, a Windsor shelter.
And since the Welcome Centre is committed to that unholy trinity of diversity, equity, and inclusion, staff welcomed this female fraudster into the shelter, no ifs ands or buts.
And so it was that when Cody took up residence in the female section of the shelter, he allegedly sexually assaulted a real bona fide biological woman and was eventually charged with sexual assault. Golly, no one saw that coming, eh?
Before I go on, I must point out there is a publication ban on this case. Which is to say I cannot report the name of the complainant nor report any details that might identify her.
In any event, we found the two-day trial downright disturbing. Even though I’ve been a journalist for almost 40 years, I’ve never covered a sexual assault case before. And I was shocked by how graphic the testimony was. Since this is not an X-rated show, I won’t delve into the nitty-gritty disturbing details that the complainant delivered when she spoke of the alleged rape that took place on March 23, 2023.
By the way, going back to 1983, with the passing of Bill C-127, the charge of rape was officially expunged from the Criminal Code of Canada. Now alleged violators are charged with sexual assault. I think this is big mistake. I mean, what is sexual assault? That could mean the victim was merely groped as opposed to being forced into enduring nonconsensual sex.
The point is, sexual assault is too ambiguous, and it dilutes the horror of rape.
In any event, during the first day of the trial, the complainant, who was sometimes moved to tears when on the stand, described what happened to her at the Welcome Centre on the day of March 23, 2023.
She alleged that Cody, who was allowed to share her room, directed unwanted sexually obscene remarks toward her as he applied his makeup. She tried ignoring him, but he later approached her bed. She was laying down watching a Netflix show on her tablet at the time. She claimed Cody began making unwelcome advances. Then he allegedly groped her. She would repeatedly move his hand away and yell “No!”
But Cody, according to her testimony, refused to take no for an answer. Keep in mind that Cody in 2023 was identifying as the faux-female Desiree.
So why was this dude who was identifying as a female allegedly still sexually attracted to real females? Was it a matter of Cody not only reimaging himself as female but also embracing the sexual orientation of… lesbian? It’s all so terribly confusing, wouldn’t you say?
I was truly shocked by what he was able to get away with. But this would appear to be another case of transgenders not having equal rights but rather, special rights…
In any event, when the 34-year-old Cody took the stand, we got to learn a thing or two about him. And here’s a knee-slapper for you: when asked what he does for a living, Cody said he’s a psychic: “I tell fortunes and stuff.”
Let me ask you: does Cody D’Entremont strike you as the sort of individual you’d seek psychic advice from? And given that he is homeless, what is his business plan, exactly? Does he approach idling motorists at a stoplight much like a squeegee kid would — except rather than toting around a squeegee he sports a crystal ball?0
But when he took the stand, Cody denied every allegation leveled against him. And since there was no video surveillance nor any eyewitnesses that day, the case boiled down to a he said/she said matter.
I must point out that when the accused and the accuser were cross-examined by the Crown and Cody’s legal aid lawyer — yes, your tax dollars hard at work yet again, folks — no detail was left untouched. Did the alleged sexual assault happen in Room 101 or was it Room 103? Did Cody allegedly use his left hand or right hand when he allegedly began groping the complainant? And on and on it went…
But I found it nothing short of astonishing that the elephant in the room was never addressed, not once, by either the legal aid lawyer nor the Crown nor even the judge…
And the metaphorical pachyderm I speak of is this: why in blue hell was the biological male Cody D’Entremont sleeping in a room that was occupied by vulnerable real female residents at the Welcome Centre in the first place?
GUEST: Concerned Wasaga Beach resident Natty, whose social media video about people pooping on the beach went viral, joins David Menzies to discuss a hit piece against her published by the Toronto Star.
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