Unions, not COVID, children or parents are keeping the schools closed

David Menzies steps in to guest host tonight's show. Ezra will be back full time next week!

It’s hard to imagine, but in Ontario, unlike all the other provinces in our great Dominion, the kids STILL aren’t back in school. It’s that rascally Wuhan virus, you see? Very, very, deadly. Especially if one is very young and very healthy.

Well, no… that’s not true, of course. We now know from bitter experience that the precise opposite is true. If you are elderly and/or sick and if you’re living in a long-term care facility, that is potentially very bad news on the virus front. Which is sad. Even if one is very old or very sick, their lives have meaning too, of course.

So maybe if we could reverse the time-space continuum, maybe what we should have done is focus our efforts on long term care facilities and halt international flights from virus hotspots… as opposed to shutting down the economy. Like Taiwan did. Maybe we could’ve saved lives that way, instead of ruining lives.

The thing is, children are practically invulnerable to the Wuhan virus, not that the fear-spreading mainstream media wants you to know that.

The one thing we know is who’s truly at risk and who is NOT at risk. And the kids, going by the only Wuhan virus metric that counts – i.e., the death toll – are the least likely to succumb to this virus.

NEXT: Ezra Levant.

FINALLY: Your messages!


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