With Trump gone, China flexes its muscles — and Canada bows down low!
You know I criticize the Media Party, but I have to acknowledge that The Globe and Mail does an outstanding job on covering China’s bad behaviour.
Anyways, credit where credit is due. Here, take a look:
Canada’s visa application centre in Beijing run by Chinese police
Chinese police own a company that collects details of people applying for visas to Canada and numerous other countries, giving Beijing security services a direct stake in the processing of private information provided by people planning travel outside China.
How is that even possible? How is that not a satirical joke, by a comedy website like The Onion or The Babylon Bee? Except there’s a difference between something being absurd and something being funny.
I wonder if Trudeau also put the Chinese police in charge of negotiating with the Chinese police to end the Chinese police detention of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, kidnapped by the Chinese police.
But rather than ripping up that contract or I don’t know, issuing a statement, Trudeau this week issued… a strongly-worded apology. I’m not even kidding.
NEXT: Lorne Gunter, columnist for the Edmonton Sun on his recent article about the “out of touch UCP”.
FINALLY: Your messages to me!