Leftists try to cancel a brand new news channel even before it launches. But they’re fighting back!
This weekend a brand-new TV network launched in the UK — by the name GB News. GB stands for Great Britain, and I can tell you from my time covering the trials of Tommy Robinson, that the UK media is even worse than Canada’s.
BBC — absolutely atrocious. You think the CBC is bad — that’s $1.5 billion dollars of left-wing extremism a year. Well, the BBC is £5 billion pounds a year — that’s nearly nine billion Canadian. Imagine that — if the CBC had six times as much funding. Imagine how they’d smother everything else. And they’re just so awful.
Now, the BBC is so vast, there there are a few journalists within it, and you can count them on one hand, who could be called conservative. Andrew Neil is one of them.
Well the great news, is that when the BBC was done with Andrew Neil, he started another TV network. Called GB News.
Well, the debut of the channel was a smash hit. GB News, literally on its first night, was the top-viewed news channel in the UK, even beating the BBC’s all-news channel. And lest you think that was just opening night curiosity, they did it again. And then they did it again.
It helps that they’re getting huge and prominent guests like the finance minister and other very important people. But again — that’s to their credit; they’re just good journalists.
But the mob works in funny ways. I’ve seen it many times.
Look at this. A company called Money Supermarket got some anonymous Twitter tweet. It’s just a fake account to pester advertisers.
But look at this:
Thanks for getting in touch.
— MoneySuperMarket (@MoneySupermkt) June 16, 2021
We understand that there are strongly held views on both sides when it comes to this topic.
Because GB News is such a new channel, we need time to fully understand it.
With that in mind, we’ve decided to pause our ad slots pending a review.
And IKEA, a Swedish furniture company, jumps in:
We are in the process of investigating how this may have occurred to ensure it won’t happen again in future and have suspended paid display advertising in the meantime.2/2- Dennis
— IKEA UK (@IKEAUK) June 15, 2021
Seriously. Do these brands, does IKEA for example, examine the editorial policy of every news media it advertises in? Of course not.
I want to watch Andrew Neil’s counter-attack tonight. He’s strong, because of a lifetime of credibility and senior posts in many media — as publisher, editor, presenter. He has high society friends, rich and powerful friends. He’s not marginalized. And he’s smart and he’s not going to let his new project be killed by some cancel culture mob.
Let’s watch what he does. And maybe, like so much of GB News, it could be a bit of a role model for us here too.
GUEST: Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi on Twitter) on Hong Kong police raiding the offices of newspaper Apple Daily
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