CHILD ABUSE: Ontario requires young children to quarantine by themselves, with zero contact from parents!
Let me tell you about an interesting story. It started on Twitter, with some moms. They had received some propaganda from various government agencies in Ontario that I think most people see and tune out — it’s endless government public service messages, designed to be boring.
But these moms read it, and started to tweet it. It was ignored by the bigshots in the media — CBC, CTV, the Globe and Mail. They’re 100 per cent in favour of the lockdown. They’re in favour of most things that Trudeau wants. Because they work for him, in one way or another.
So this or versions of this is what moms were tweeting about what to do if you child is dismissed from school and does not have any symptoms.
Maybe someone else in the class was sick, but your child has no symptoms. What should you do? A normal parent or a normal doctor would say, “keep an eye on things, but don’t be a weird freak”.
The Peel Region, which is a large municipality outside of Toronto says:
The child must self-isolate, which mean: stay in a separate bedroom; eat in a separate room apart from others; use a separate bathroom if possible; if the child must leave their room they should wear a mask and stay two metres apart from others; it is strongly recommended to test for COVID-19 on or after the date listed in your letter.
I’m serious.
Two weeks of solitary confinement in their own home. Wear a mask in their own home. Don’t see other family members, in their own home. Even if they have no symptoms at all.
For other kids at the same address:
Any other children who live at the same address: should stay home from school until the child who is a close contact returns to school.
And the last point:
Should not go out to play with friends or see family who don’t live with you.
So not only does a child who has no symptoms have to stay at home, but all other children in the same home have to stay at home too, and can’t visit anyone else either.
And remember — this is all for a kid sent home with no symptoms.
Child abuse. That’s what this is.
NEXT: Keean Bexte (@theRealKeean on Twitter) calls in to talk about his experience at a COVID jail.
FINALLY: Your messages to me!