I think we all know how corrupt the U.S. security and intelligence industry is — wait till you see how bad Canada’s is


Look at this story in Trudeau’s CBC state broadcaster today. Just astonishing:

Canada should rethink relationship with U.S. as democratic 'backsliding' worsens: security experts

It’s just crazy on top of crazy:

Calls for new national security strategy

“When we think about threats to Canada, we think about the Soviet military threat, we think about al-Qaeda, we think about the rise of China, we think about the war in Ukraine. All of these are true. But so is the rising threat to Canada that the U.S. poses,” said Juneau.

“That's completely new. That calls for a new way of thinking and new way of managing our relationship with the U.S.”

Yeah. We don’t like Tucker Carlson. So let’s build a new military-security-spy strategy around our TV pundit tastes.

That’s not a serious country, but then you already knew that.

On tonight's show, I read to you from the underlying report that the CBC cites with such glee.

Look, it’s not a serious report. I’ll tell you what it is. It’s the Liberal party platform, re-written as a national security document. Yes, there are a few national security things in it. But the heart of it is Trudeau’s own partisan grudges — he hates conservatives, he hates the truckers, he doesn’t really like the more vocal parts of America. Not a word about threats on the left.

So, not surprisingly, their recommendations are not national security recommendations really; they’re Trudeau’s policies dressed up as national security. Like his plan to restrict social media. Here, the deep state says they need to do a lot more spying on what Canadians are saying online.

Their recommendation?

More spying. On Canadian citizens. For their political beliefs. I’m sure they would pick up the odd criminal threat. But — and I’m no Liberal expert here — I’m guessing that criminals don’t really tweet their plans. The tweeting and Facebooking is more regular people, regular citizens.

Yeah, no Trudeau’s brain trust don’t really think Americans are our top national security threat. They think Canadians are.

GUEST: Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) on his work in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. Read more at WEFReports.com.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!


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