Does Canada's Constitution actually protect equality, or is it all liberal mumbo jumbo?
Section 15 of the Charter gives everyone equality before the law, with the exception of laws, programs, and activities that improve the conditions of disadvantaged groups. Justice is supposed to be blind, and this section appears to push equity, not equality.
Tonight, on The Ezra Levant Show, a long form interview with law professor Bruce Pardy on whether there's equality before the law in Canada.
Canada has fallen far from the shinning example on the hill with its embracement of equity across all its institutions.
Offering seats on post-secondary campuses or employment on the basis of skin colour is the latest such example. That fosters a culture of entitlement -- not merit -- on the basis of some immutable characteristic.
Let's just call a spade a spade -- this is a form of discrimination in the name of equity. Certainly, straight white males would be the first deemed ineligible for these things.
Section 15 of the Charter gives everyone equality before the law, but it "does not preclude any law, program or activity that has, as its object, the amelioration of conditions of disadvantage to individuals or groups."
Now, that assumes that if you're a minority, you're disadvantaged. And it assumes if you're white, you have privilege.
The word minority has lost its meaning because in Toronto and Vancouver, for example, whites are the minority. So, how much of a minority do you have to be to qualify?
Can Canada's Constitution even protect Equality Rights, or is it all liberal mumbo jumbo?
Justice is supposed to be blind, but this section of the Charter appears to be a ticking time bomb. And it's priming to explode.
Bruce Atchison commented 2024-10-23 21:12:43 -0400It’s the woke Gestapo who are making Canada a racist nation. I feel discriminated against when people call me racist when I’m not. Wokeness is stupidity because none of us can prevent what happened in the past. And every ethnic group has done things to other ethnic groups. Human history is one long trail of atrocities. I wish woke folks would shut up!