The Media Party sends an open letter to Justin Trudeau

GUEST HOST: David Menzies

Well, that was one humdinger of an open letter that was published the other day by members of the Media Party. It’s a joint letter, actually, signed by 48 — count ’em, 48 — media organizations and associations. It was sent to the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, and other political leaders. And the letter “demands action on the growing harassment and abuse of journalists in Canada.”

Oh my, it would seem that the media watchdogs who now exist as lapdogs are in a most disagreeable mood despite being very well taken care of by their kennel master, Justin Trudeau. Then again, I suppose even the tiniest and most domesticated chihuahua might yelp out a bark or two if it’s pissed off, enough?

So how about we dissect this missive, shall we?

GUEST: Jim Karahalios (@JimKarahalios)

FINALLY: Your messages to me!


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