Marco Mendicino, Minister of Compulsive Lying, must go!

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino is a… liar.

That’s right, I said it!

Indeed, there’s no way to sugarcoat it. As you might know, Mendicino said that police asked for and recommended that the federal government needed to invoke the Emergencies Act back in February to dismantle the trucker freedom convoy that was taking place in Ottawa.

Mendicino didn’t say this one or twice. He said it more than a dozen times!

But there’s just one teeny, tiny hitch with this oft-repeated statement: law enforcement agencies ranging from the RCMP to the Ottawa Police Service say they NEVER made such a request!

So, now the spin cycle has kicked in. Mendicino’s Deputy Minister, Rob Stewart, says the whole thing was a “misunderstanding.” Said Stewart: “Law enforcement asked for the tools that were contained in the Emergencies Act.”

Huh? That’s a distinction? That’s a clarification? Sounds like more lying to us.

Enough is enough! We can’t have the Public Safety Minister and his minions incessantly lie about implementing the Emergencies Act and stripping Canadians of their rights, liberties, and freedoms. Mendicino must resign.

And if you share our outrage, please sign our petition:

Oh, by the way, we’re going to continue pounding home our message that Mendicino must go.

Indeed, we know Mendicino doesn’t like trucks and truckers — so just wait ‘til he gets a load of our Jumbotron-equipped truck!

We plan to drive it throughout his riding and elsewhere in Toronto for several hours, making certain people know that the MP for Eglinton-Lawrence is a lying liar who cannot be trusted.

So please, sign our petition. And if you can, please kick in a few bucks to cover our expenses. Our thanks in advance.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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