Constitutional Lawyer Derek From: Coerced Vaccination and Fighting for Your Rights
The British Columbia government has just announced a vaccine passport system that has no reasonable accommodations for people who object to the available COVID vaccines on religious and moral grounds. The passport also does not provide allowances for those who are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.
A recent article in the CBC (I know!) detailed the problems with B.C.'s vax card for people with medical conditions that prohibit vaccination:
"When she heard the news on Monday that British Columbia was introducing mandatory vaccine cards to get into ‘non-essential’ recreational spaces, Maple Ridge resident Leigh Eliason said she felt trapped and couldn't breathe.
Eliason has an autoimmune disease — a neuro-vestibular disorder — which means she is at acute risk of side effects from every COVID-19 vaccine available to Canadians.
According to her, none of the vaccine manufacturers tested their formulations on people with her condition, and doctors are stumped, too. She says the vaccine might re-trigger the worst symptoms of her condition, or inflame other chronic conditions she lives with.
‘Most of my family is vaccinated. I'm not. And so I now cannot accompany my own family to any event. [...] I'm now essentially an outcast in my own family.’”
In Alberta, Premier Jason Kenney came out strongly against vaccine passports and said he would fight any attempt by the federal government to impose one on the people of his province. However, Kenney has been notably silent as Trudeau muses about vax passports for internal air and train travel and other federally regulated industries. The premier has likewise issued no comment in opposition to the Oilers and Flames NHL teams requiring proof of vaccination to attend games in publicly funded arenas.
Where are all the civil liberties groups to stand up as Canada is being quickly carved up into medical apartheid zones? They are, like the premier of Alberta, notably silent, with the exception of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, the Canadian Constitution Foundation, Rebel News’ own Fight The Fines campaign, and my guest tonight.
Derek From is a Calgary-based constitutional lawyer with a long history of fighting the government for barrier-free interprovincial trade and defending civil liberties. From joins me tonight from his home in Calgary to discuss how and when governments expand their powers and seize rights, those freedoms are almost never returned, and the powers are almost never restrained. He warns that coerced vaccinations may be the civil liberties hill to die on.