Is the new trend of declaring climate emergencies only symbolic?
Climate “emergency” declarations are all the rage. Cities and towns all across North America are making such pronouncements, claiming that they're symbolic commitments to acknowledge the seriousness of the impending climate catastrophe.
But are these declarations really all that symbolic? Or do real-world consequences flow from all this municipal virtue-signalling?
Take Calgary for example. Yesterday, the new city council headed by new progressive mayor Jyoti Gondek voted 13-2 in favour of declaring a climate emergency. The same day, in response to the "symbolic" declaration, city officials called for more funding and more staff to deal with the emergency. Of course, they did.
According to the Calgary Herald:
City officials told council they’ll need more resources to achieve what council has asked them to do, which includes shifting the city’s climate goals to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Sounds expensive.
Joining me tonight to discuss his petition against the climate hysteria gripping the new city council is Calgary-based Rebel News reporter Adam Soos. You can sign his petition and click on the special link to send a message directly to the mayor at