Climate activism and the Great Reset

Fear of an overheated planet has become the institutional left's reason to do almost everything.

Left wing politicians around the globe are seeing the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity for a Great Reset of economies, to re-design financial and employment systems using central planning with a focus on a green re-start.

Trudeau told Global News in September that:

...[a] green recovery is about “long-term recovery,” and that the country needs to be “leading the way” on the shift to renewable energy and addressing the climate crisis.

He said the path forward must include people working in industries that will be affected by such a shift, but that Canada should seize the opportunity that COVID-19 has created.

“We have an opportunity to go green. We have an opportunity to be fairer, to reduce barriers for women’s participation, (and) Indigenous participation in the workforce,” he said.

But it's just not economies under siege by green activists and the politicians who give them a sympathetic ear. It's free speech, too.

Friends of Science will host an online event on December 8 with investigative journalist Donna LaFramboise entitled Climate Activism: Undermining Free Speech, Free Thought and Free Choice.

Michelle Stirling from Friends of Science joins me tonight to discuss their upcoming event, the Great Reset, and the radio silence around filmmakers who try to provide balance in the global warming debate.


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