Justin Trudeau is attempting the single largest gun ban in Canadian history
In 478 pages of last-minute amendments to their latest gun control legislation, the Liberals are banning almost all hunting rifles and shotguns in Canada.
The changes to C-21, the law to ban the sale and transfer of handguns will directly attack hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Canadian firearms owners.
A last-minute amendment to the Liberals' long gun ban, Bill C-21, will criminalize hundreds of thousands of firearms owners in Western Canada.https://t.co/wRMlTOxRVO
— Rebel News Québec (@RebelNews_QC) November 29, 2022
The amendments will outlaw “a firearm that is a rifle or shotgun, that is capable of discharging centre-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner and that is designed to accept a detachable cartridge magazine with a capacity greater than five cartridges of the type for which the firearm was originally designed.”
This includes the popular and affordable SKS with around 200,000 estimated owners and almost all hunting rifles with the exception of a few shotguns. It's not clear how the RCMP will enforce the changes through confiscations, since the police force has no reliable data on where these previously unrestricted firearms are.
Joining me to discuss the latest attacks on the Canadian firearms owning community is Rick Igercich, President of Canada's National Firearms Association (NFA).
To send a message to the Liberals to back off the lawfully obtained personal property of Canadians, please visit www.HandsOffOurGuns.ca
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