INTERVIEW: Unvaccinated nurse FIRED for refusing to get COVID-19 jabs
Hetty Van Helteren is young, healthy, physically fit and does not want to inject her body with an experimental vaccine given that the so-called cure could very well be worse than the curse.
By all accounts, veteran nurse Hetty Van Helteren is a superb health-care worker. And you would think it would be prudent to have nurses such as Hetty on duty during a pandemic.
But on December 3, Hetty was fired with cause for refusing to get the COVID-19 jabs. Her reason for not getting jabbed: Hetty is young, healthy, physically fit and does not want to inject her body with an experimental vaccine given that the so-called cure could very well be worse than the curse.
Notably, this isn't the first time Hetty has dropped by Rebel News headquarters in Toronto for an interview. I interviewed her back in April, 2020. Alas, we had to distort her appearance and voice and we called her “Jill”.
That's because Hetty was a whistleblower, noting that despite what medical health authorities were saying, and despite what the mainstream media was reporting, hospitals were not “war zones” when it came to dealing with COVID-19 cases.
In fact, back then, Hetty said that she and her colleagues often had very little to do on their shifts given that elective surgery procedures had been cancelled to deal with the deluge of COVID cases that never transpired.
Of note: had we identified her last year, Hetty would have been out of a job simply for speaking the truth. Can't have that during a pandemic, after all...
Alas, there is no need to disguise Hetty's identity any longer given that she is out of a job — not for being a whistleblower, but rather, for embracing the mantra of “my body, my choice”.
But surely this is a lose-lose story? Hetty is out of a job; meanwhile, the health-care system has lost an experienced nurse — during a pandemic, no less!
As for Hetty's former colleagues, some (very quietly) support her; but one nurse called her a “threat to society” for not getting vaccinated. Hetty also mentioned that another nurse at the hospital who refused the jabs and thus lost her job is currently working at a Dollarama store in order to make an income.
As for herself, she is trying to find a health-care facility that will indeed employ her without demanding she take the vaccine (hey, remember that other old slogan, “reasonable accommodation”? Or is that mantra now extinct as well?)
In the meantime, Hetty is selling her artwork in order to make ends meet.
Check out my interview with Hetty Van Helteren, an unofficial victim of COVID-19.
No, she is not sick; rather, this nurse has been given an economic death sentence by a hospital that used to look upon her as a "frontline hero" just a few short months ago.
Hetty's tale is sad — and infuriating.
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