I heard that Dalhousie University had invited Omar Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist, to speak to students.

I thought that was appalling, so I flew from Toronto to Halifax this morning to attend the event tonight.

Little did I know that Khadr would be on the same plane as me, just a few rows ahead of me.

He was sitting first class — that’s what you can do when Justin Trudeau gives you $10.5 million.

I didn’t recognize him when I boarded the plane because he hid his face from me. But I recognized him when we landed and he stood up.

I asked the flight attendant about it. Why was an Al Qaida terrorist allowed on a plane? Why wasn’t the no-fly list being enforced? I asked the co-pilot the same question. Neither had any idea.

When I got off the plane, I saw Khadr with a group of his local fans who had come to meet him at the airport. I went up to him and asked if I could talk with him. I recorded the video:

Police threatened to arrest me. Not Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist — me. They called me a danger. I didn’t touch him or block him or swear at him — I tried to ask him some basic questions. The police literally grabbed me and pushed me. What a disgrace.

Canadian police protecting an Al Qaida terrorist’s “right” to fly on a passenger plane and threatening to arrest a peaceful journalist for asking about it.

We have to pursue this further. Why is a terrorist being allowed to fly? Is that a special favour that Trudeau did for him?

Khadr belongs in jail.

UPDATE — Andrew Lawton talks to Ezra Levant about Khadr's "brand in Canada"

On an episode of The Ezra Levant Show, True North's Andrew Lawton joined me to talk about convicted terrorist Omar Khadr's public relations in Canada and his branding as a child soldier.

Since his release back to Canada from Guantanamo Bay, Khadr has been continually shielded from tough questions. In this clip, we'll go over some examples.

UPDATE — Ezra Levant catches Omar Khadr on his flight to Halifax

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I went through the footage and aftermath of what happened when I ran into convicted Al-Qaida terrorist Omar Khadr when we both took the same flight from Toronto Pearson International Airport to Halifax Stanfield.

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