Jonathan Yaniv rejected from ladies beauty pageant, alleges injury to his “dignity” in new Human Rights Tribunal case

Jonathan “Jessica" Yaniv is seeking $10,000 in damages from Toronto-based Canada Galaxy Pageants after the group rejected his application to compete in the 28 Years and Older division.

Yaniv has is claiming “injury to dignity and feelings”, and requests that the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario find that organizations including Galaxy Pageants “cannot refuse a service to someone just because that person has male genitalia.”

Galaxy's beauty pageants are for women and girls, but they will accept transgender contestants who have undergone sex reassignment surgery which includes the removal of male genitalia.

According to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, the civil liberties group representing Galaxy Pageants,

This policy was noted in all paperwork and on the website. The pageant’s policy has since been revised to include “genetic females and fully transitioned.”

All of the contestants, including girls as young as six, change their clothing and undress in common areas. No males, including contestants’ fathers, are allowed in that space, to protect the privacy and comfort of the contestants. Contestants from teens and up also compete in a swimwear category.

Once reminded of the pageant’s policy, Yaniv filed a human rights complaint against Canada Galaxy Pageants, alleging discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression and sex, in violation of the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The JCCF notes that “Canada Galaxy Pageants is run by a woman of Asian descent,” drawing parallels between this complaint and a finding by the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal which recorded the opinion that his famous bikini waxing case was racially motived:

In many of these complaints, [Yaniv] is also motivated to punish racialized and immigrant women based on [his] perception that certain ethnic groups, namely South Asian and Asian communities, are ‘taking over’ and advancing an agenda hostile to the interests of LGBTQ+ people.

Rebel News is suing Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv in civil court for his assaults on our reporters, Keean Bexte and David Menzies.

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