Leigh Eliason - Pre-existing medical conditions


Leigh Anne Eliason currently lives in the Town of Maple Ridge in the Province of British Columbia with her husband and two children.

Leigh has a complicated medical history including a neuro-vestibular disorder, atrial fibrillation, and Wenckebach Syndrome.

Around the end of April 2021, Leigh became eligible to receive her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Given her medical history, Leigh took steps to meet with her family physicians to determine whether the vaccine was safe for her.

In May of 2021, Leigh visited her doctor who advised her that given her medical conditions, the risk of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and the potential side effects were significant and she was advised not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

On Monday, August 23, 2021, British Columbia's Premier John Horgan, the Provincial Health Officer, and Adrian Dix, BC's Minister of Health announced that starting September 13, 2021 proof of vaccination will be required in BC for all people attending certain business, social, recreational settings, and events.

In the vaccine announcement, Premier Horgan stated that “There is no reason why those who are anxious to participate in the social and economic life of our community can’t take that next step
and get that safe effective vaccine.”

Such a statement fails to consider the many members of the public, like Leigh, whose health and physical disabilities preclude them from receiving two injections of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Vaccine Card Orders unjustifiably infringe upon fundamental freedoms and rights protected by the Charter and to that extent should be of no force and effect.

Our team of lawyers has issued a petition for an injunction to the BC Supreme Court.

You can learn more about Leigh's legal proceedings and follow along for updates on this page.

Petition to the Court:


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