HDSB trustees run away from 'Mammary Menzoid' who attempts to drop off a petition regarding 'Busty Lemieux'
On Wednesday evening, the educrats who make up the Halton District School Board had a meeting in Burlington, Ont. and I attended as my alter-ego, Mammary Menzoid, given that David Menzies was booted from the previous HDSB meeting last month and threatened with trespassing for the crime of… asking insensitive questions pertaining to Kerry Luc Lemieux, a.k.a., Kayla Lemieux, a.k.a., Busty Lemieux?
Lemieux is the vulgar cross-dressing teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School. The story has generated media attention the world over, from the U.K. and Australia to India and Pakistan.
Note: there’s been barely any mainstream media attention in Canada, mind you. While the domestic taxpayer-funded uber-woke journalists typically embrace radical transgenderism, they’re not so sure how to handle Mr. Lemieux given his penchant for wearing enormous fake breasts that are barely contained by his see-through blouses; thus, they have mostly ignored the story. Shameful!
I decided to fight fire with fire by “transitioning” into a carbon-copy of Busty Lemieux, complete with Z-cup fake breasts, a revealing tight white top, and black bicycle shorts.
My mission was to deliver a petition to the HDSB with more than 16,000 signatures that said, "Protect The Students."
The petition reads:
The HDSB and the Director of Education, Curtis Ennis [He/Him], should be fired for allowing a female-identifying shop teacher to wear enormous fake breasts that are barely contained by see-through blouses while teaching.
But guess what? Nobody at the HDSB would receive the petition! And nobody at the HDSB would answer questions from journalists or concerned parents regarding the ongoing circus at Oakville Trafalgar High School.
Indeed, the people meant to serve these parents – i.e., the taxpayers who pay the lofty salaries of edcurats – once again refused to be transparent and refused to provide answers to important questions regarding Mr. Lemieux because that might somehow be… transphobic?
And just like last time, the trustees fled the room and called the police due to… an attempted petition drop-off?
Outrageous and egregious. These gutless HDSB educrats really need to go back to school.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.