Netflix accused of 'hate crime' after labelling Jeffrey Dahmer series as LGBTQ content

NETFLIX has been accused of committing a 'hate crime' by tagging its new series on mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer as LGBTQ content with outraged viewers successfully campaigning to have the label removed.

Dahmer, who killed and ate 17 people between 1978 and 1991, was a homosexual whose victims were also homosexuals.

Dahmer's crimes included dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism.

But LBGTQ subscribers to the steaming service expressed outrage on social media that the popular series had been advertised under the LGBTQ heading.

One subscriber complained: "Why the f**k Netflix made the decision to tag the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary LGBTQ? Like I know its technically true, but this is not the representation we're looking for."

“They really put Dahmer under the LBGTQ tag? Like yes, he was clearly gay but um, let’s be honest. How does that have anything to do with him being a crazed serial killer and cannibal?,” another wrote.

The series is not a documentary, but instead a limited drama series produced by Ryan Murphy, the man behind “American Horror Story”.

One social media user wrote, “If I need to stay in my lane absolutely tell me, but anyone else think it’s pretty gross of Netflix to list Dahmer under LBGTQ, especially when the True Crime tag would have worked?

Other users accused the steaming service of committing a hate crime with their tagging.

A report in Pink News said Dahmer met many of his victims at gay bars and that his killing spree terrorised the gay community.

“Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is told through the lives of the victims who were impacted by the systemic racism and institutional failures of the police that allowed Dahmer to continue his killing spree. It also focuses on errors made by law enforcement during their hunt for Dahmer,” it said.



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