Ontario's bill mandating vaccines for education and health workers defeated | Belinda Karahalios

Recently in Ontario, legislation was put forward that attempted to mandate vaccinations for education and health-care workers in the province. That bill, put forward by a Liberal Party member, was defeated. Leading the voice of opposition to the bill was former Progressive Conservative, now New Blue, MPP Belinda Karahalios.

Belinda joined yesterday's edition of The Ezra Levant Show to discuss why defeating this bill was an important victory for freedom-minded Ontarians.

Belinda told Ezra that the bill's failure served as a reminder that the public can still rally around causes and make their voices heard, saying:

It shows the public that when they apply political pressure, that they can make change. I think it should give people a lot of hope and to say that it's [a] small victory kind of diminishes it a little bit, because people did respond to the call to action and they did get the PCs to reverse course. It's very likely that this would have gone through on a voice vote.

For the full interview with Belinda Karahalios, and full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show every weeknight, become a subscriber to RebelNews+.

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