BREAKING: Rebel News heads to Texas to investigate Biden's border crisis

Rebel News covers a lot of things in Canada, but sometimes we cover news around the world. Partly because it's interesting, but mainly because there's a theme that links that coverage to here back home.

For example, we're interested in freedom of speech around the world. We're interested in multiculturalism and the lack of integration of certain migrants. We're also interested in the threat of open borders — we've been covering that here in Canada at Roxham Road, the infamous point of entry for foreigners, often deported from the U.S., can simply walk across from New York into Quebec.

But there is a gaping hole in the U.S. border between Texas and Mexico, and millions of people just walk across. Many of them are from Mexico and other Latin American countries seeking economic benefit, but many others just see it as a way of entry into the country.

That includes people like this, who told a reporter on the scene "soon you're going to know who I am."

My point is, lots of people who want to get into the U.S. for nefarious purposes are coming through those open borders. Some of it may be organized crime, much of it may, God forbid, be terrorism.

That's why we've sent two investigative reporters, Alexa Lavoie and Lincoln Jay, down to Eagle Pass, Texas to cover this important story. They joined us from the border to provide an update on what they've so far.

Alexa explained how the Texas National Guard deployed razor wire in an attempt to stop crossings at the Rio Grande river, which has been at the root of the conflict between Governor Greg Abbott and President Joe Biden over the border.

Lincoln, meanwhile, said the Texas National Guard stationed at the border were more open and talkative than similar authorities in Canada, from his experiences. He also mentioned how the area they were in, Shelby Park, has been extensively covered by the media and has caused crossings to move elsewhere.

In December, Shelby Park saw reports of 10,000 apprehensions per day. With all of the attention headlines like this drew, it's no wonder the crossings are moving elsewhere — and why it's important for our team to be on the ground covering the story at

"Most of the locals agree that [illegal border crossings] is a problem that is getting out of hand," Alexa said after speaking with residents in the area. "A lot of them agree that under Donald Trump, the situation at the border was way better handled."

The two talked with locals in San Antonio, one of the largest cities close to the border. There, Lincoln said, "some of them have sympathy [with the illegal border crossers], some of them don't want any crossings — and pretty much all of them realize that America itself has many, many issues right now that [the government] should be putting Americans first, before illegal migrants that are crossing."

Our team will be on the lookout for migrant organizers — which could range from non-governmental organizations to criminal cartels — people crossing from places outside of Latin America, federal authorities tasked with taking down the razor wire, protesters, agents provocateurs.

Alexa and Lincoln will follow the facts where they lead, and will have lots more to report soon. Follow their coverage and support our work at

Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant Show. He is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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