Canada must ban Huawei, the Chinese telecom company capable of mass surveillance for the communists

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Huawei makes cell phones which are sold throughout Canada. Trudeau handed them a contract to build telecoms infrastructure in our North. And they're a strategic company under the control of the Chinese communist government.

China — and Huawei — know the pressure points, from offering free stuff to the African Union, to advertising with the NHL, to giving research money to universities.

Years ago, Huawei hacked Nortel, Canada's leading high tech company, stealing all of their industrial secrets.

Last year, Canadian officials arrested Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on suspicion of securities fraud. In retaliation, the Chinese government seized two Canadian hostages, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig before bringing in trade sanctions against our agriculture sector.

Between the hostages and the legal bribes, we have to make a stand and stop this to protect our country.


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  • By Ezra Levant


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