'This was politically motivated': Pastor Artur's son on his big legal win

Over the weekend at Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit, we bumped into Pastor Artur Pawlowski's son, Nathaniel, and spoke about his father's recent victory in the Alberta Court of Appeal.

Upon appeal, the court threw out most of Pastor Art's charges, including the compelled speech clause that required Artur denounce himself. every time he spoke against the government's COVID policies.

That ridiculous requirement, originally put in place by a Liberal-linked judge, dictated that Pawlowski had to say the following statement every time he spoke against the government's COVID-19 policies:

I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask-wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

Pastor Artur spent over 50 days in jail for keeping his church open when the government imposed harsh lockdown restrictions and kept the public health officers out of his church when they wanted to observe while he was giving a sermon.

Pastor Art's issues with the police during COVID-19 started as early as April of 2020 when he was ticketed for feeding the homeless, but his troubles with law enforcement for feeding the homeless and delivering street sermons date as far back as 2006.

If you'd like to learn more about Pastor Artur's legal battles, visit SaveArtur.com. Or, if you'd like to see more of our coverage of Turning Point USA events, check out TPUSAreports.com.

Yaakov Pollak


Yaakov “Yanky” Pollak is an energetic community activist. Yaakov has been involved in many political campaigns, loves photography, and enjoys spending some free time at the shooting range.



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