Unearthed video: Justin “blackface” Trudeau took entire course on white male privilege in 1990s

Trudeau's predilection for blackface is almost as pathological as his need to lie about it.

Since the news broke about the at least 3 times he dressed in blackface, Justin Trudeau has explained away his actions by telling reporters he “just didn’t understand” how hurtful or how racist blackface is. Trudeau has littered his repeated apologies for the stunts with excuses about how he just “didn’t know” and how he was blinded by his own “layers of privilege” that prevented him from recognizing that dressing up as a stereotypical trope of a black man was bigotry.

Trudeau told Global News’ Donna Friesen that it was his father's death in 2000 that caused him to reflect on his past actions.

However, that's just not true. Trudeau's father Pierre died some months before the 2001 blackface incident when Trudeau dressed up as Aladdin at a black-tie fundraising gala held for the private school he taught at — West Point Grey Academy.

And, in a newly uncovered video, referenced in an article by the Toronto Sun’s Tarek Fatah, Trudeau professed a ‘come to Jesus moment’ about his own privilege much sooner than in 2001. I’ll show you a video from 2016 of Justin Trudeau admitting to a group of teachers to receiving University-level training about privilege and race in the 1990s.

Today I’ll show you that video.

Trudeau is lying again. He just can't stop. It's almost as pathological as his fetish for blackface. As great American philosopher Judge Judy always says: You don't need a good memory if you're telling the truth.

Trudeau has almost as many lies about blackface as he has incidences of performing it.

If you think Justin should step down, please sign our petition at TrudeauMustResign.com.

Sheila Gunn Reid

Chief Reporter

Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.


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