'Utterly ignorant' anti-Israel encampments are 'mass cult': Heather Mac Donald

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An underdiscussed topic surrounding the anti-Israel encampment protests has been the large number of females participating. Heather Mac Donald, a contributing editor with City Journal and fellow at the Manhattan Institute, recently explored this phenomenon in a piece for the outlet.

“Why have young women been so prominent in the recent campus chaos?” she asks in the story, Hysterics for Hamas.

On Wednesday night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Heather joined the show to provide more insight into the anti-Israel protests.

After covering encampment protests in New York, Ezra remarked how he was surprised to see so many young women, especially young Asian women, participating in the campus movement. 

Both aspects of that observation, Heather said, “have somewhat different explanations.” For Asian women, she explained how this was a strange decision, given the way the Democratic Party views Asians:

The left-wing hates Asians. The left-wing says they are this terrible wannabe model minority, and all of the Democratic, left-wing policies like racial preferences are working in the exact opposite of Asian interests. Asians are successful academically, but they are being kept out of universities disproportionately in order to make room for far less qualified so-called underrepresented minorities which is code for blacks and Hispanics.

The sheer number of females, meanwhile, is partly because of the increasing number of women attending post-secondary school. This, Heather says, has led to a decline in the pursuit of knowledge and fuelled the ignorant pro-Hamas demonstrations:

The more that females dominate a university, the less it is dedicated to its core function of the uninhibited pursuit of knowledge. Females gave us trigger warnings, they gave us safe spaces, they gave us the therapy dogs, and females on average — and obviously there's exceptions — are less prone to weigh costs and benefits, to follow rational policies.

And I would argue that the great mass hysteria we've seen on behalf of Hamas, and I'm going to be much more blunt than you are about this Ezra, I think this is a movement founded in utter ignorance. It is a mass cult; it is a social contagion. These students know nothing about the Middle East, it is based on ignorance and following the most irrational instincts.

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Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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