Virtual citizenship ceremonies CONFIRMED! Rebel had it first (and we predicted CBC's exact response)
One month ago Rebel News published an alarming story – a source had come to Rebel News from within Immigration Canada. We were told that the Trudeau Government was creating online citizenship factories.
Because of his insatiable desire to mass-import new voters into this country, he couldn’t let COVID-19 get in the way – even if it meant opening up the process to fraud.
Like any journalists would, we reached out to the department with questions, asking for their side of the story. They told us to hold on while they prepared a response.
That was a MONTH ago. The government kept responding to our emails saying they needed more time, and now look and what they did: exactly what I predicted.
“Virtual citizenship ceremonies coming for new Canadians whose dreams were crushed by COVID-19," said the CBC.
Justin Trudeau and the bureaucratic army behind him will do whatever they can to make my job more difficult, whether it is physically throwing me out of press conferences, fighting me in court, or having their media spokesmen leak things to the state broadcaster. The whole system is rigged.
Trudeau has a muzzle on the media, and makes sure that the only news-media that can do their jobs are the ones he has bought off.
The Trudeau Liberals have a history of illegally censoring Rebel News reporters. To learn about our lawsuit to gain access to Trudeau's morning press conferences, please visit

Keean Bexte
Keean Bexte is Rebel News' travelling correspondent. Keean has broken stories from the White House to Hong Kong, covering the other side of the story wherever it is.