WATCH: Degeneracy at D.C.'s Pride Month celebrations

Savanah Hernandez, the independent journalist who accompanied our Rebel News team in Davos, Switzerland, while covering the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, recently attended Pride Month celebrations in Washington, D.C.

Why was the celebration important, and why were some of the attendees there?

“I just came out as pansexual this past year,” one individual who was attending their first Pride celebration told Hernandez. “We're just seeing things that we've never seen before and accepting all kinds of new things and it's just been amazing,” the interviewee continued.

With a number of kids taking part in the celebrations, Hernandez asked if increased participation from youth was a good thing.

“I think it's a good thing. Honestly, I feel like your kids should understand that it is actually OK to be who you want to be at [their] age,” one transgender reveler told Hernandez. “I think that's between them and their parents, I'm not getting involved in that” said another.

The newly-out pansexual who spoke to Hernandez earlier in the video also weighed in on the subject, saying that “I absolutely love” kids participating in Pride celebrations, and that they “work at a montessori daycare and we are very open sexuality based with our children. We have several children that are non-binary, very queer, and it's just a beautiful community, so I love to see it here as well.”


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