Dr. Byram Bridle on COVID vaccines, public health mandates at Freedom Convoy in Ottawa
“At best [the vaccines] are not working at all. At worst, they're actually causing harm and actually promoting the very infection they're designed to stop.”
Meet Byram Bridle, PhD, Immunologist & Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, present as a scientific spokesperson.
During his stay, Dr. Bryan Bridle offered several lectures and speeches on the current situation. With the opposing narratives of the scientists, some questions were in order.
I also asked him some questions regarding lung transplantations, as doctors refuse to perform this surgery nowadays if patients are not vaccinated against COVID-19, as in the case of Joanie Dupuis, who is still waiting for the decision of the College of Physicians to receive this life-saving transplant.
In this video, Dr. Byram Bridle explains how he sees the situation related to the College of Physicians and professions in the scientific field in general.
Voici Byram Bridle, PhD, immunologiste et professeur associé à l'Université de Guelph, présent en tant que porte-parole scientifique.
Durant son séjour, Dr. Bryan Bridle a offert plusieurs conférences et discours sur la situation actuelle. Avec les récits opposés des scientifiques, certains questionnements étaient de mise.
De plus, je lui ai posé quelques questions concernant la transplantation pulmonaire, vu que les médecins refusent de procéder à cette chirurgie de nos jours si les patients ne sont pas vaccinés contre la COVID-19, comme avec le cas de Joanie Dupuis, qui attend encore la décision du Collège des médecins afin de recevoir cette transplantation vitale à sa vie.
Dans cette vidéo, Dr. Byram Bridle nous explique comment il observe la situation reliée au Collège des médecins ainsi que les métiers du domaine de la science en général.
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