Rebel News is hiring EIGHT new staff — maybe you might be one of them!

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I gave you a Rebel News update a few weeks ago, telling you my thoughts on our editorial focus for the months and years ahead.

In my report to you, I also alluded to some business ideas, including a possible IPO

But one of the questions when you're looking to raise funds in a public offering, is what would we use the money for? Turn Rebel News into a real business, not just a cause that we love. I think we have to be more business-like in the focus we have.

I love all the reporters we have, I love all the people who follow their heart — but we probably need to add people who, you know, make money to help pay the bills. You know the saying: you can't save the world if you can't pay the rent. (But I am looking to hire some new reporters, too.)

And we put the new positions we're hiring for all on one website, and I'd like to encourage you to go there at

GUEST: Breitbart editor-at-large Joel Pollak (@JoelPollak on Twitter) to discuss Joe Biden's CNN Town Hall in Cincinnati.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!

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