Joe Biden's president. Now what for the oilsands and Keystone XL?
So Joe Biden's president. Now what?
Joe Biden might actually be one of those rare politicians that actually does what he says he's going to do. Normally that's a good thing but, in this instance, it's a nightmare, especially for Alberta.
Joe Biden was part of the Obama administration that repeatedly blocked the crossborder Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta. He campaigned on blocking it again. He selected a far left-wing green radical running mate in Kamala Harris.
And now, reports are that on day one of the Biden administration, Keystone will die for good after it was approved by outgoing President Trump.
TC Energy, the Canadian company behind the Keystone XL project, suspended work on the day of Biden's inauguration. The pipeline was supported with a 1.5 billion dollar direct investment by the Alberta Government, along with loan guarantees.
Alberta's in rough shape and things are about to get worse.
Joining me tonight to talk about the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and the future of the oil patch in Canada with a Biden administration in Washington is Robbie Picard (@PicardRobbie on Twitter) from Oilsands Strong.
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