Indian whistleblower weighs in on diploma mills, immigration firms and protests demanding citizenship

Our source shined a light on sketchy diploma mills, storefront immigration law services and the growing trend of certain individuals gaming the system to fast-track efforts toward permanent residency and full Canadian citizenship.

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You may have seen a recent Rebel News report about a downright surreal demonstration that look place in Brampton, Ont. in late June.

Namely, dozens of international students from India assembled behind the Shoppers World mall. The crux of the matter: although their work permits are expiring (or have already expired), they want to remain in Canada.

While the demonstration was relatively small, it is estimated there’s about 100,000 international student graduates in Canada facing potential deportation orders given that their work permits are either expiring this year or in 2025. The problem, according to sources, is that the lion’s share of these students not only want to remain in Canada, but they also want to be fast-tracked for permanent residency — and ultimately, full Canadian citizenship.

But why such entitlement? Permanent residency or citizenship was never part of the deal when these people originally came to Canada to study and/or work temporarily.

And we found it most odd that at a demonstration in which foreign nationals are clamouring for Canadian citizenship, we did not observe a single Canadian flag being displayed. Even more odd is that nobody would come on camera to make their case.

Isn’t the very point of a demonstration to get one’s message out — and the more media coverage the better? Apparently not. From what we could tell, interviews were only granted to so-called “friendly media” in a foreign language. We can only ponder what was said.

Also silent that day was Laura Walton, the president of the Ontario Federation of Labour. Why? And what is the OFL’s agenda on the foreign student file?

Indeed, on the OFL’s webpage, its mission statement is the following: “As Canada’s largest labour federation, we fight for positive change in every area that affects people’s daily lives. We believe that all people deserve safe, just, inclusive, and equitable working and living conditions – whether you belong to a union or not.”

Fair enough. But then why would an organization committed to unionization (and the higher wages and lofty benefit programs that typically go with unionization) be advocating for these demonstrators who, according to sources, are not highly skilled, and in many cases, are only qualified for minimum wage service jobs?

Could it be the OFL has been “colonized” by corporations that very much covet a cheap labour pool? If not, what’s the unspoken strategy here? So many unanswered questions…

In the aftermath, we sought insight and analysis from our Indian source/whistleblower.

Check out what he has to say about “diploma mills” (of which there are more than 70 in Brampton alone); storefront immigration law services; and the growing in trend in Canada of certain individuals gaming the system to fast-track the process toward permanent residency and full Canadian citizenship.

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