Is Pope Francis' apology tour enough? Calgarians react

The pope's trip to Canada because Trudeau beckoned him here, demanding a visit to Canada and an apology, after reports of mass graves had been discovered at residential schools both in Saskatchewan and in British Columbia. These discoveries sparked a summer of violence against churches, including arsonvandalism, and the destruction of ‘colonial’ statues.

Some went to lengths to even destroy a church on First Nations land.

Questions remain after the treatment of Indigenous children in the now-defunct residential school system made its way back into the country's consciousness last year.

After a year, not a single body has been found within the Kamloops burial ground.

Rebel News reporters Drea Humphrey and Matt Brevner covered this story in their exclusive soon-to-be released documentary, revealing what actually happened.

To see the trailer and support their quest for truth, visit

To see more of our coverage of the pope's visit, head to

In this report, Rebel News hit the streets of Calgary, Alberta to see how people are responding to the Pope’s visit, whether reconciliation has been achieved, and if the mainstream media has fairly disseminated new information on the burial grounds.

Angelica Toy

Social Media Coordinator

Angelica was taught from a young age to question the mainstream narrative and seek the truth. Guided by her faith and commitment to freedom, she regularly hits the streets of Calgary, Alberta, where she lives and attends university.


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