Millie Weaver is FREE: GoFundMe organizer Ezra Levant explains arrest of independent journalist

In this clip from today's livestream, Ezra Levant goes into detail about his response to the arrest of independent journalist Millie Weaver.

Over the years, several Rebel News journalists have been arrested during the course of their work, most recently Anna Slatz during her coverage of Antifa riots in New York, but also Tommy Robinson and Laura Loomer. And we responded by crowdfunding for their release and legal defence.

And we don't just do this for our own reporters.

A few months ago, the Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks was targeted by Antifa at her home in Washington, DC, so Ezra set up a GoFundMe with her permission to help move her family to a safer state.

Last week we drew attention to the Leussink Farms Justice Campaign after 18-year-old Jeremia was hauled off of his tractor by five Alberta Sheriffs.

So when Ezra heard on Friday that Millie was arrested at her home, he made a few phonecalls and set up a emergency fundraiser in her name:

Millie Weaver, the popular independent journalist, was arrested today in a shocking raid. No information is publicly available, and in cell phone footage of the arrest, Millie repeatedly asks what the arrest is for, with police providing no answers. Whatever the case, we know Millie will need financial help — to pay for a lawyer and other expenses.

During today's livestream — #RebelNewsDaily streams EVERY weekday at 12pm ET on our YouTube channel — Ezra covered the events after Millie's arrest and learns LIVE on air that (spoiler!) Millie had BEEN RELEASED from jail!

Rebel News


Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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