Nili Kaplan-Myrth runs away from accountability AGAIN
The COVID cult saga continues...
On May 27, my colleague and I attended a book launch event in Calgary. This book, titled Breaking Canadians: Healthcare, advocacy, and the toll of Covid-19, was written by TV doctor, family physician, and Ottawa-Carleton District School Board trustee Nilli Kaplan-Myrth.
If you recall, Nili Kaplan-Myrth is the hypochondriac doctor who appeared on a news segment wearing a KN95 mask — alone — in her office.
Later, when she became a trustee for the Ottawa=Carleton District School Board, she censored parents at board meetings after they expressed concerns about gender ideology being taught to their children.
In response to her censorship of parents’ concerns and viewpoints, the parents initiated their own petition on twice to hold her accountable.
And, if you can believe it, Nilli and the school board pressured to remove both petitions for allegedly spreading "transphobic hate." Well, at Rebel News, we fight for the little guy — so we launched our own uncancellable petition at
Our editor-in-chief, Sheila Gunn Reid, went to hand deliver this petition to Nili Kaplan-Myrth, only to be yelled at, have the door slammed in her face, and had security called on her as Nili hid in the building.
To add to the scandals, Nili was also found to be in breach of the school board's code of conduct after sending text messages pressuring her black colleague, Donna Dickson, into supporting a return to school mask mandates. Nili told Dickson to refrain from voting at all, rather than voting and siding with supposed "white supremacists."
She was later caught in another breach of conduct when trustees found her behaviour to have undermined public confidence in the board at the decision of her first code breach. Due to all of this, she was banned from board activities until the end of March 2024.
During the book launch on May 27, there was a panel of doctors featuring Dr. Joe Vipond and Dr. David Keegan.
To give backstory on Dr. Joe Vipond, he is a doctor from Calgary Foothills Hospital and was no stranger to promoting lockdowns and mask mandates. He organized and ran “pro-mask and pro-lockdown” rallies in the city during the summer of 2021 and is the founder of the Masks4Canada.
He also frequently appears on CBC news giving medical advice. Further, he is a strong advocate for climate change, taking the role of president at the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.
We sat respectfully listening to the speakers during the event and after it wrapped up, I approached Dr. Vipond to ask him about his climate change advocacy.
While I expected to be shut down and thrown out by the security guard, he calmly and respectfully replied to my question — which was great.
I attempted to pose another question to Nili outside of the venue. My goal was to ask her questions about her strong support for the NDP, who support Hamas and Queers for Palestine, as Jewish woman and an ally of the LGBTQ+ community herself.
And, to no surprise, we were met with yelling.

Angelica Toy
Social Media Coordinator
Angelica was taught from a young age to question the mainstream narrative and seek the truth. Guided by her faith and commitment to freedom, she regularly hits the streets of Calgary, Alberta, where she lives and attends university.