Should Wales have a vaccine passport? Cardiff reacts
Rebel News visited Cardiff to ask locals if they thought COVID vaccine passports would create a segregated society. But do they think segregation is good?
In this report, I arrived at a very sunny Cardiff in Wales to ask the Cardiff public: what do they think of the vaccine passport?
I found that a lot of people were either hesitant to give their few on the subject, pro-segregation, or pro-medical choice off camera!
What does this mean for Wales?
As Mark Drakeford, the leader of the Labour Party in the Welsh assembly keeps introducing harsh measures to his citizens, it is clear he does not practice what he preaches.
Not so long ago, Mr. Drakeford was caught maskless at a Diwali festival dancing in an enclosed room with people all around him, whilst simultaneously going to press conferences and explaining how every single contact you make is vital to curbing the virus.
I would have hoped that the Welsh citizens would be able to see through the nonsense and the divisiveness of the vaccine passports but alas, this report unfortunately is a bit of a blackpill.
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