What does the looming election mean for gun rights?
The Liberals soft-on-real-crime agenda builds on the sweeping May 2020 gun ban. Power-hungry officials continue to add new variants — without actually addressing crime.
Tonight, on The Gunn Show, Rick Igercich of Canada's National Firearms Association discusses the last gun ban and what firearms owners can do to advocate change amid another ban.
The Canadian government announced in December that it is banning an additional 324 firearm models, with Trudeau's lame-duck public safety minister, Dominic LeBlanc, claiming these guns are meant for battlefields, not for hunters or sport shooters.
At the same time, the feds revealed they are collaborating with Ukraine’s government to explore ways to donate the confiscated shotguns and rifles. Though used for hunting in Canada, they authoritarians who govern us appeared convinced these guns will aid in the fight against Russia’s invasion.
It would be comical if it weren't really happening to law-abiding gun owners.
Defence Minister Bill Blair explains how the Liberals' gun buyback could see Canadians' firearms sent to Ukraine.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) December 5, 2024
"Every bit of assistance we can offer to the Ukrainians is one step towards their victory," he adds. pic.twitter.com/EZBrVVQoy9
This latest sleazy move to scapegoat firearms owners for the Liberals soft-on-real-crime agenda builds on the sweeping May 2020 gun ban, which initially outlawed 1,500 firearm makes and models — a number that has since expanded to over 2,000 as power-hungry officials continue to add new variants.
Guns so dangerous they remain in the hands of their owners to this day, nearly five years later!
And it doesn't seem the Feds are done. Rumours swirl that yet another ban, this one for mid-February is on the way, during a prorogued parliament so the Liberals can run a leadership race to pick a new captain for their Titanic.
Unbelievable. No mandate. No reasoning. No real effect on gun crime. No problem for the Liberals, apparently.

David Heinze commented 2025-01-31 02:00:59 -0500I know it is not the real goal, but if the goal was Public Safety, then rather than hassling legal firearm owners, they should work on disarming the criminals, one way to work on that is to stop the flow of smuggled illegal firearms over the border from the U.S. You know, like working with our neighbours to secure the border, stopping things like, the smuggling of drugs, guns & people, in both directions.
But I guess hassling law abiding citizens is an easy way to look like you care and are doing something. -
Bruce Atchison commented 2025-01-29 21:46:07 -0500All people must care about gun rights. What if the government bans gasoline and diesel vehicles? What if they make steak knives illegal? Those are YOUR property and the government has no right to take them from you.