The Salvation Army - No religious exemptions


Legal action has been taken and a cease and desist letter, putting the Salvation Army Canada on notice for their discriminatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, has been sent.

The policy, which came into effect on November 15, kicked their un-jabbed employees, religious leaders, volunteers and officers to the curb, including some who were unable to get the shot due to sincerely held religious reasons and matters of consent.

The fact that the non-profit, Christian organization would choose to participate in medical apartheid that is marginalizing and oppressing thousands of Canadians was shocking to many, including the over 6,000 people, who have signed our petition to ask them to do the humane thing and honour exemptions.

That’s also why we at Rebel News partnered with The Democracy Fund to hire an amazing litigator named Leighton Grey, to fight to defend the God-given rights of Salvation Army workers at no cost to them.

Grey crafted and sent a fiercely written cease and desist letter to Salvation Army Canada, that addresses “several concerns arising from coercion by the Salvation Army of employees to submit to experimental drug therapies” and states that their policy, which puts people out of work without pay or severance due to their vaccination status, “violates their human rights and constitutes wrongful dismissal.”

You can read the letter for yourself right here:

This Christian church's jab or no pay policy isn’t the only thing discouraging many of its donors lately. The company has also recently made headlines after Salvation Army USA released a critical race theory riddled resource that left many wondering if the organization believes white people are inherently racist and thus need to apologize for the skin God gave them.

We also reached out to Salvation Army Canada for comment on their vaccination policy, and this is what they had to say:

The Salvation Army continues to follow all provincial and federal public health policies and guidelines as it relates to COVID-19.

As of November 15, 2021, all Salvation Army staff (employees, officers, volunteers) providing on-site and in-person services will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We will consider reasonable accommodations for individuals who are not in a position to be vaccinated due to medical reasons or other protected ground under human rights legislation.

The Salvation Army is also monitoring for any changes to public health guidelines across Canada so that we can make the necessary updates to our policies and practices. Proof of vaccination is required at Salvation Army facilities where provincially mandated and we continue to follow stringent health and safety protocols, including mask wearing, proper physical distancing, and enhanced sanitation practices, regardless of the province’s specific health and safety requirements. Our number one priority remains the health, safety and well-being of our employees, officers, volunteers, guests, donors, and communities.

You can follow along for updates on our legal proceedings on this page.


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