Carbon tax will be $170 per tonne by 2030

Justin Trudeau's Liberal government has released a plan to hike the federal carbon tax to $170 per tonne by 2030 in order to "wean consumers off fossil fuels in favour of cleaner energy sources."

CBC reports that the plan relies on the notion that carbon is pollution:

"Simply put, it would be much harder to cut pollution if it was free to pollute. The principle is straightforward: a carbon price establishes how much businesses and households need to pay for their pollution. The higher the price, the greater the incentive to pollute less, conserve energy and invest in low-carbon solutions," says the government's new climate plan, titled, "A Healthy Environment and A Healthy Economy."

Back in April, during the first major coronavirus lockdown, the Liberals added a 50 per cent hike to our carbon tax.

The current price on carbon is $30 per tonne and is expected to be $50 per tonne in 2022. As Yahoo! Finance explains,

The tax hike will result in higher costs for consumers when they buy gasoline. The price at the pump will increase by 37.57 cents a litre by 2030 as a result of this new plan, and the cost of light fuel oil for home heating, natural gas and propane will rise as well.

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