UPDATE: Armed Feds raid Miller's Organic Farm

The government says that Amos must cease operations because he doesn’t adhere to USDA standards.

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Last month Rebel News brought you the story of how Amos Miller’s Organic Farm was raided by armed federal agents and economically crippled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

Now, as the seasons change, Miller’s farm is going toe-to-toe with the federal government to protect himself and independent farmers all over the country.

Amos Miller is an independent organic farmer in Bird-in-Hand, a remote Amish village in central Pennsylvania.

The farm has everything. Pasture-raised, grass-fed cattle to grass-fed raw dairy like yogurts, cheeses, and butters. The farm raises chickens, pigs, and even water buffalo and camels.

People all over the country signed up to be a part of Miller’s private food club for his holistically grown organic meat and dairy. But unfortunately, this is also the reason that the federal government and all its might, is targeting him.

The government says that Amos must cease operations because he doesn’t adhere to USDA standards. Amos argues that US government food regulations exist chiefly to strip small organic producers of their independence. They’re also financially intensive, making it so only the large producers are able to afford to stay in business.

By cutting the government out of his operations he’s effectively cutting out the middle man. The government siphons money from these farms through expensive “user fees.”

Amos and his customers argue that the USDA mandates food be processed and produced in ways that actually make the food less nutritious.

“The government is demanding I go through their slaughter houses and use toxic preservatives like artificial citric acid on my meat…my customers don’t want that…they want the whole organic deal,” Amos explained to Rebel.

Amos believes if they can bring down his operation under dubious reasoning and harmful regulations, other farmers will be next, putting the entire food system at risk of being transformed in the vision of the industry-backed government and WEF-aligned elites.

“If they can take me down they’ll come after other independent farmers next,” Amos said.

Legally representing Amos, is veteran constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.

Barnes explained to the Lancaster Patriot, a local newspaper in Amos’s area that:

“This is about power – who has the power to choose what I eat, what I put into my own body,” Barnes said. “it’s an extension of the vaccine mandate dispute. It’s an extension of a range of controversies currently raging across the country about the Constitution and our laws and the role of the federal government in our lives.”

Next week, Rebel is going to sit down with Robert Barnes for an exclusive interview. And discuss what this case means for independent farmers, food sovereignty, bodily autonomy, and freedom in general.

Please go to LeaveThemAlone.com and sign our petition which I’ll be personally delivering to the federal court where Amos’s case resides.

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PETITION: Leave Them Alone

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Goal: 50,000 Signatures

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