What is 'net zero'? Energy economist Robert Lyman explains the real world ramifications

You've probably heard of 'net zero' from Justin Trudeau or most politicians and elites. But what is the meaning of this term that appeared during the pandemic — just like the 2030 and 2050 agenda?

What will be the repercussions on the economy, on the population and on the different services. Net zero seems to be all politics and no science.

Robert Lyman joins Rebel News to discuss what 'net zero' really is and what it will mean for Canadians.

Lyman is an energy economist who has worked for over 40 years as an economist, manager, and consultant on energy and environment public policy issues, and has written and advised on the energy and economic implications of climate-related policies and programs for over 30 years. He is deeply concerned about the politicization of decision making on new green energy plans, and the push from the government for a energy reset. Today we discuss net zero and the new environmental policies in place.

Alexandra Lavoie

Quebec based Journalist

Alexa graduated with a degree in biology from Laval University. Throughout her many travels, she has seen political instability as well as corruption. While she witnessed social disorder on a daily basis, she has always been a defender of society’s most vulnerable. She’s been around the world several times, and now joins Rebel News to shed light on today’s biggest stories.


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