WATCH: Inspectors pay visit to Calgary pizzeria defying vaccine passports
After a visit from Alberta Health Services yesterday morning, Without Papers Pizza had their business licence pulled off the wall by Calgary police.
Continuing from the events that transpired yesterday, the restaurant remains open and today appeared to be serving alcohol, contrary to demands from government officials.
Inspectors with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission visited the establishment today to reiterate that Without Papers Pizza lost their permission to sell alcohol, made note of the sales of liquor on the premises and said they would bring this information to their supervisor.
Watch this short clip to see an exchange between the owner and AGLC today:
Inspectors with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission visited Without Papers Pizza again because the owner is standing up against the vaccine passport.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) October 3, 2021
“All the people in here are humans, every single one of them.”
MORE @SydFizzard:
“All the people in here are humans, every single one of them. They have their choice, this is not a leper colony,” Without Papers Pizza's owner said. “The majority of the people in this room are vaccinated, also fighting for our beliefs. We will continue to do so as well.”
Without Papers Pizza stayed open, and continues to do so, standing by their declaration to serve those who have been vaccinated and those who are unvaccinated alike.
Sydney Fizzard
Video Journalist
After seeing the manipulation and harm caused by the pandemic narrative, Sydney Fizzard started on the path of reporting in mid 2020. With an interest in hearing from everyday Canadians, politicians, business owners, religious figures and community leaders, Syd aims to reveal underlying truths and examine societal movement. Notably, Syd spent 16 consecutive days at the Coutts, Alberta border blockade.