Why are kids allowed in a Dallas Drag Bar?

'What parent in their right mind would bring an elementary school aged child to a gay bar and take part in a very sexualized drag queen performance?'

This is a free version of this week's episode of Rebel Roundup.

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On this week’s episode of Rebel Roundup, Reporter Juan Mendoza spoke with David about why elementary school children were brought to a place called Mr. Misster in Dallas Texas.

David says he has no problem with the name of the bar, nor drag queens performing at this bar:

“Here's what I find problematic. Having young children attend a drag queen night at this bar and being encouraged to stuff dollar bills into the G-strings and stockings of the performers ... In fact, I think that might even qualify as child abuse.” 

Children are taking part in a sexualized show staged by men pretending to be women. What the hell?

"Tell me, what parent in their right mind would bring an elementary school aged child to a gay bar and take part in a very sexualized drag queen performance?" asked David.

 Juan said that this is a bar where those 21 years and up are allowed in: 

"Now, you add the fact that it's a very sexualized event that's going on there with a sign in the back there saying ‘it's not going to lick itself.’ The messaging of that is very sexual in nature. And I have no idea what these parents were thinking, taking young kids there to see a drag show.” 

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