So-called 'safe injection sites' are being situated near Toronto tourist attractions and family neighbourhoods. What could possibly go wrong?
Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square has been in the news lately. It will soon be rebranded as Sankofa Square. The vast majority of Torontonians don’t want this name change and the city really can’t afford it. Still, no matter, this multi-million-dollar rebranding is slated to go ahead later this year, and if you all have a problem with that, then you’re just a bunch of racists. At least, that is the contention of crackpot Ward 13 Councillor Chris Moise.
Instead of fretting over a woke rebranding exercise, perhaps the City of Toronto should consider relocating the so-called "safe injection site" directly across the street from Yonge-Dundas Square.
We recently paid a visit to this operation and discovered many unhinged clients loitering around the area between Yonge-Dundas Square and the intersection of Yonge and Victoria Streets. A nearby Tim Hortons café has permanently closed its washrooms due to problems associated with the drug-addicted people.
The city site is disgraceful. Litter abounds, and some of that litter consists of syringes. It is a health hazard, but again, the priority for the city is to rename Yonge Dundas Square. (Fun fact: Henry Dundas, who is now persona non grata, was actually a slavery abolitionist. His sin, apparently, was that he was not fast enough in advocating for the abolition of slavery. That is what passes for a woke benchmark in Toronto these days…) In any event, talk about misguided priorities.
After we visited the Yonge-Dundas area, we ventured southeast to visit the infamous South Riverdale Community Health Centre. This "community centre" – which is actually just another safe injection site – is a hub for drug dealing, theft, assault, and even murder.
We do not exaggerate. On July 7, 2023, Karolina Huebner-Makurat, a mother of two, was murdered in broad daylight. Drug dealers, to no one’s surprise, tend to go where their clients congregate. But apparently, some rival drug dealers got into an argument, and they decided to settle their dispute with a gunfight. Karolina was fatally struck down by a stray bullet, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It gets worse. It turns out that two of the alleged gunmen had long criminal records and were – you guessed it – out on bail. Par for the course, they were violating their bail conditions. Thank you ever so much yet again, Prime Minister Justin "Hug a Thug” Trudeau.
Another suspect that was arrested in the aftermath was very surprising indeed. Twenty-three-year-old Khalila Zara Mohammed was charged with accessory after the fact and obstruction of justice concerning the shooting. But get this: Ms. Mohammed was actually an employee at the safe injection site at the time! What’s more, she was featured in a glowing CBC News report in 2022 in which she advocated for MORE drug consumption sites in order to reduce stigma.
It gets even worse. After the murder of Huebner-Makurat, the sickos who run this joint launched a promotional campaign apparently enticing children. A poster shockingly noted: "Got Sharps? Want Chocolate? For every full sharps container you return to COUNTERfit, we’ll give you a chocolate bar." COUNTERfit refers to the harm reduction program for women in operation at the site.
It's beyond gross to enlist kids to pick up discarded hypodermic needles, putting them at risk of contracting everything from Hepatitis to HIV. At least the program was cancelled when it received heavy blowback.
But more than a year later, it’s still business as usual at the South Riverdale Community Health Centre. Why? Hasn’t this east-end Toronto neighbourhood suffered enough?
Please visit our website at and sign our petition. Let the authorities know that these dangerous drug dens are a blight and are putting law-abiding citizens and tourists at unnecessary risk.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.