INTERVIEW: Tucker Carlson asks Rebel News reporter if Western sanctions against Russia are working?

On Thursday night, Rebel News reporter Jeremy Loffredo appeared on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss his recent journalistic trip to Russia.

During the segment, Loffredo provided insight into the current political climate in Russia and the issues facing the country. He emphasized the importance of fair and accurate reporting, particularly in the midst of tensions between the United States and Russia.

Jeremy flew to where no journalist has dared to go, to tell the other side of the story. This important journalistic mission has cost Rebel News over $11,000, even though Jeremy went economy-class all the way.

Please help us crowdfund Jeremy's trip on this page. Being independent is the only reason we can do this mission, and it also means that we need your help to pay for it.

You can watch all of Jeremy’s reporting at

Evan Gilboord



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