Japanese independent journalist taking on the WEF

Ezra Levant interviewed independent journalist Masako Ganaha in Davos, Switzerland about why she felt compelled to travel to Davos to cover the World Economic Forum event.

Masako Ganaha saw Rebel News' coverage of the globalist gathering last year and decided that she wanted to help spread the news about what happens at this annual gathering of the wealthy and powerful.

Masako Ganaha, working alone in Davos, was the only journalist able to catch the World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab outside of a restaurant and ask him some important questions.

Visit WEFreports.com to stay up-to-date with all of our coverage from Davos and chip in if you can to support our independent reporting. Thank you!

Rebel News


Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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