Loving community TARGETED by police for daring to celebrate their faith
WATCH & SHARE what really happened in Melbourne on Rosh Hashanah
This week, Jews around the world celebrated the second holiest day in the Jewish calendar.
Rosh Hashanah is usually spent in synagogue, praying for a good year ahead.
Prayer services in Judaism require a minimum of ten men.
Coronavirus restrictions in Melbourne have prevented Jews from gathering for the High Holidays for another year.
Community members took the matter to court.
Last Friday, the Federal Court of Australia ruled against opening synagogues for the high holidays forcing many Jews underground.
One such group made headlines when police surrounded the premises forcing some to escape through the roof.
The mainstream media did their best to demonise the community alledging a cameraman had been hospitalised during a confrontation with worshippers.
I went there the next day to get the other side of the story.
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